My goal is to give everyone short little updates on a regular basis. The ADD in me finds it hard to read long letters, much less type them, & I think it would kind of defeat the purpose. If I save things up over a week or 2, the little things are what would probably be left out, & it's those things we really wish to share.
So, for starters....Cambree is growing like a weed. We took her in for her 2 month shots a couple of weeks back & she was over 11 lbs. & had grown 3 inches. Amaria seemed to get WAY too much joy out of watching her little sister get her first round of immunizations. It looked something like this:

Overall, the two are get along great. If anything, Amaria attempts to help too much at times, which is kind of hard to complain too much about. Cambree truly loves her big sister, & laughs at her on a regular basis. We are so blessed to have 2 healthy, happy girls in our lives.
Cambree fell asleep tonight, in her CoSleeper, all by herself. I think Heidi & I are getting really close to having our bed back to ourselves...what a great night that will be.
Heidi has started tutoring as of last week. It's just a couple of hours a week, but it really seems like something she will enjoy. She has always had a passion for educating & helping, & it is something that she is really good at. Her first 2 clients are a 4 year old working to get into a private school next year & an older woman taking a college algebra class...I'm not sure which one will be more of a challenge.
Well, this is a start. Hopefully I can get better at this as I go. Feel free to leave comments, make recommendations, etc. Thanks for reading, & God bless all of you.
Hmmmm....well, so far this blog does not mention anything at all about momma, or trucks, or trains, or prison, or getting drunk. It mentions everyone in the family which is nice. It may lack a ne sais quoi, but does offer a new vista. A panoramic view of potential elation. I will keep this blog on the "Let's see how long it lasts list" for now. Challenge extended.