Wednesday, October 27, 2010

God The Healer

Amaria just said, "Satan made everything bad. He even made the germs. God couldn't have made the germs because they call Him The Healer, so He couldn't have made the germs. He heals people from germs. That's why He is trying to heal Clayton, right now....because Clayton is my best friend & he is sick & he needs God to heal him from the evil germs Satan gave him."

I'm so thankful for such a precious girl with such a sweet heart.

Thanks for reading, & God bless!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Catching everyone up

Okay. I'm quite possibly the worst blogger ever. I can't believe it's been so long between updates. So sorry everyone. And, there has been some really good stories....I just have failed. So let's try to catch you up.

First off--this morning I was taking Amaria to school, & she has really become interested in math. So she asks, "What's 1 + 0?" So I hold up one finger, add zero fingers, & then asks her what the answer is. "Oh yeah! It's still 1. That's right--you don't invite zero to a party because he adds nothing."

We have really been blessed with Amaria's teacher & school, along with a book to help with her strong-willed personality. If you are a parent of a strong-willed child, I highly recommend "You Can't Make Me (but I can be persuaded)". Just simply understanding the way Amaria's mind works has not only helped us as parents at home, but the change in how we parent at home has completely changed her behavior at school. I can't say enough about this book or my wonderful customer who told me about it.

As far as her school goes, she had a rough start but has adjusted nicely. She is reading, doing simple math, spelling & writing words, etc. Heidi & I are just amazed at the progress she has made in such a short time frame. We always knew she was an extremely bright child, but seeing what she is capable of when placed in the right environment is so cool.

On the Cambree front....WOW! The girl is doing something new every single day. It's going to be hard to catch up on everything in the last two months, but I'll try my best.

She turned 10 months yesterday. She has her 2 bottom teeth in. She is standing on her own, & walking while holding onto something. Her vocabulary is insane. She has been saying, "Mama," "Dada," & "Nana" for a while now, but she has added some new words in the last week or so. I'm convinced that there is no cuter way to say "Bottle" or "Tickle" than the way Cambree says them. This morning, she was standing & fell on her bottom & quickly said, "Oh, Cambree!" I'm not sure she knew what she was saying, but it....was...awesome! She looks more & more like her momma every single day. I can't believe that my baby will be turning 1 year old in less than 2 months. My parents always said we grew up too fast & that time flies...I know what they meant.

Heidi & I are doing great but have been really busy. We are still teaching 2nd grade Sunday School, & we love all our kids. We generally have 14-16 kids every morning, with at least 75% of them being girls. I feel like I'm right at home. Haha!

In September we started leading a small group on Sunday evenings. We have 21 of us in there & we love our group. Two families in our group had babies in the last month & we are so blessed to be able to watch those little babies grow up as we grow in Christ. We are doing a study on the book "Church of the Irresistible Influence" & are excited about taking the wonderful story of Jesus Christ out to all of Pflugerville.

Heidi is also leading a MOPS (Mothers of Pre-schoolers) group at church. It keeps her extremely busy but she is enjoying every minute of it. She has so really wonderful ladies in her group & it's cool to hear all the stories.

We have been extremely busy, but we're loving every minute of it. Somehow during all that's going on, we've had the privilege of getting to hang out with some old friends that we haven't seen in quite some time. If you're ever out the Austin way, please let us know. We'd love to get together & see you.

Thanks for reading & God bless!