Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Amaria in Rare Form

Yesterday was just one of those days for our eldest. She had her Spring Program at school last night & she was very excited about it. I had the luxury of dropping Amaria off in her classroom last night before the program, & amazingly enough, we were running early. We actually were the first ones to arrive. But, shortly after, her classmates started to file in. However, her teacher, had yet to arrive. Time for Amaria to take charge: She grabbed the book that they had used to learn about the letter X earlier in the day. She then instructed her classmates to sit on the rug at the front of the classroom as she stood in front of them. "Today, we are going to learn about the Letter X," she informs them. "But first, we need to know what day it is." So she grabs the finger pointer, turns to the calendar & proceeds to count the days on the calendar, stopping at 13. "Today is the 13th!" Fortunately, for all involved, Mrs. Doyle arrived as this was wrapping up.

The program went great, & Amaria sang & danced her heart out to Old McDonald. By the time we got home it was time for bed & everyone was running late, so I put Amaria to bed while Heidi fed Cambree. Amaria & I mutually agreed that we would both take part in her nightly prayers. I prayed first & then it was Amaria's turn:

"Dear God, please help me to be good in school & do what Mrs. Doyle says. And please take care of Kiki (our deceased dog) & Daddy's momma up in Heaven. And dear God, I can't wait to be with them in Heaven because it's going to be so cool. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!"

I told her how sweet her prayer was & then she says, "Daddy, I wish I was in Heaven." I explained that while it is going to be great to be in Heaven, we still have things that God wants us to do down here. And then she comes back with, "But Heaven is the greatest place EVER!"

It brings tears to my eyes to know that we are so blessed to have a little one who has such a great understanding of our Lord. I thank God every day for her & Cambree.

On that note...Cambree update. She has started to mock us. If we make an "aaaaahhhhhh" sound, she will repeat it. Same thing with an "ah, boo," sound. She is growing like a weed & it's really cool to see her progressing so rapidly. Heidi took the girls last week to have some pics taken in their Easter dresses. Hopefully, I can figure out how to post them soon. God bless & thanks for reading.

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